Naked & Famous 🪸 Strength

Naked & Famous 🪸 Strength

For this Full Moon CC&T pour your favorite beverage or make with me a cocktail that blends a smoky mezcal with the flavors of a rhubarb aperitif, lime and the herbal honey components of Yellow Chartreuse aka "Naked & Famous"

Gather Tools & Ingredients

Shaker Set
Measuring Device
Fancy Glass

Del Maguey Chicicapa Mezcal,
Yellow Chartreuse,
2 Limes

Your “mise” is ready lets create some alchemy
Press play on the playlist #33 CC&T Playlist below then follow the recipe below.

Naked & Famous

0.75 oz Del Maguey Chicicapa Mezcal
0.75 oz Yellow Chartreuse
0.75 oz Aperol
0.75 oz Lime Juice

Method: Combine ingredients into your shaker then add ice.
Shake with the vibration of your being for about 15 seconds whilst making time for an alluring wink or three.
Strain into your fancy glass.
Admire its hue, its aroma and that first loquacious sip.       

Deck used "The New Tarot" by Weicher Umbruch

Strength & Leo

So this is going to sound a bit sci-fi cuz I used the word “earthlings” but one way I understand the Full Moon is that the magnetic energy of the Moon is meeting the kinetic energy of the Sun at their central meeting location on Earth and inviting earthlings to understand, create, whatever they are communicating via this centralized pull on our beings, this can be seen with the visualization of the light spectrum of the Full Moon and also in so many ways that are unseeable but subconsciously felt.
With this Full Moon is occurring in the Zodiac sign that is ruled by the Sun, Leo.
The Sun is that vibrant heat, fire, spark that inflames our soul into life. The Tarot Card “Strength” holds the space for Leo. 
Strength is in part finding courage in the figure eight cycle of expansion and contraction. Strength, in that contraction, in the tightness of fears that begin to roar at that time when we are about to expand and feel most vulnerable. During that time this card invites us to become curious about letting go of some of the defenses that we hold up while approaching our fears, our inner lion that roars. I think there is a cartoon with a lion that is roaring and roaring and everyone is scared of it because it is loud and really, if I heard a lion roaring I would be quite intimidated, rightfully so. But in this cartoon a mouse comes along and notices a thorn in the lions paw and takes it out. They become friends.
This is one way to approach this card and its medicine. Where is the the thorn that causes the roar? It can be a very scary place to pinpoint the thorn vs react to the roar.
These are some thoughts. May this full moon and libation offer some liquid courage to approach the thorn that brings out the roar and get to know it a little, pinpoint the fear.