Reverse Martini Sweet & The Moon

Reverse Martini Sweet & The Moon

For this New Moon CC&T pour your favorite beverage or make with me one of the simplest yet varied and argued about cocktails ever. You guessed it "The Martini" and in this case my version of the "Reverse Sweet Martini".

Gather Tools & Ingredients

Mixing Glass
Measuring Device
Fancy Glass

Empress Gin
Dolin Rouge
Orange Bitters
Lemon Twist

Your “mise” is ready lets create some alchemy
Press play on the playlist #03 Lunar CC&T Jams below then follow the recipe below.

Reverse Sweet Martini

*2 oz Dolin Rouge
*1 oz Empress Gin
*2 Dash Regans OJ Bitters
*Twist of Lemon

Method: Combine ingredients into your mixing glass then add ice.
Stir... close your eyes and imagine your essence traveling through the spoon into the swirling liquid only to return back to your body once well chilled.
Give a personal full body shake and then strain your martini into your fancy glass.

Garnish: With the fancy side of your lemon twist facing the top of your drink give a quick squeeze and watch the oils alight on the top of the richly hued surface.
Take a moment...
admire your drinks hue, bring the drink up to your nose, breathe in the aroma of the lemon and then take your first teasing sip. 
What images or words do the flavors conjure ?   Share, or write  

🍸Martini? 🌒 What makes it so complicated 🧑🏽‍🚀

A classic Martini traditionally features four key ingredients—if of course, like me, you count the citrus oils expressed over the drink’s surface as an ingredient.
These 4 components are bitters, vermouth, gin, and citrus oils.

Vermouth is a fortified aromatic wine infused with botanicals.
In the US Vermouth/Aromatized Wine was immensely popular in the 1950s and 60s. Back then, the “four-martini lunch” was feasible because vermouth served as the primary ingredient, gin was added to enhance the botanical profile of this beloved tipple. Which in turn created a lighter version of the Martini compared to what we know today.

Over time, the Martini’s ratios shifted. Vermouth fell out of favor, bitters nearly disappeared, and the once-celebrated citrus oils were swapped for the savory bite of an olive or just cold bite of a really, really, really, really, really cold, excessively shaken glass of gin. Don't get me wrong...they all have their place.
At times olive brine has wonderfully become a new addition.
Shaking has definitely become the pro-quo preferred preparation with a wit of way and charm on how to express that one does “not” want vermouth.

That being said all of these variations are still considered a “Martini,"
It becomes easy to feel lost, turned upside down, frustrated, or downright ready to howl at the moon over the lack of a straightforward ways to order a simple Martini.

Wherever you find yourself, I hope you get the chance to try my take on a Reverse Sweet Martini. And when our paths cross, we can chat about it—because, after all, the reverse is just another twist on this classic cocktail.
Take a sip, take a breath, close your eyes.
When you are ready lets talk Tarot.

The Moon & Pisces

Moon & Pisces: Both the Moon and Pisces share a fluid, ever-changing nature that defies definition. They embody a dreamy, elusive quality—tangible yet impossible to grasp. Is there ever truly something solid beneath them, or do they merely offer the illusion of form?

In Tarot, the Moon card represents the zodiac sign of Pisces, capturing this essence of the unpinnable. It evokes the feeling of walking under moonlight, where sharp edges soften, and reality takes on a surreal, dreamlike quality. Under this glow, the boundaries between worlds blur, merging our realities in mysterious and unpredictable ways.

For some, this nebulous experience can feel unsettling—like wandering without a map. For others, it’s a welcome dive into the unknown. Regardless of where you land on this spectrum, the invitation remains the same: to choose how you respond to this Moon-driven, undefined experience.

Response doesn’t have to be polished or composed. It can be raw—a howl, a roar—an expression of navigating the unknown. With the New Moon upon us, this is a potent moment to pause. Even amidst uncertainty and the absence of clear answers, ask yourself: How can I hold space to plant seeds, to begin something new within this realm of the unknown and limitless possibility?

This reminds me of the Haudenosaunee creation story, where life begins in the void, with water, muskrats, turtles, sky-woman and falling from known to unknown—a perfect metaphor for the Moon card’s energy.

The Moon card invites us to explore the subconscious, to flex our intuitive “spidey senses.” All Tarot cards offer an invitation to align with our highest and best selves, and the Moon card is no exception. It challenges us to loosen the tight grip of the mind, to soften our need for control, and to venture into spaces where intellect alone cannot guide us.

In the landscape of the Moon card, we strengthen senses that lie beyond logic and reason. It asks: How can you build a deeper friendship with those senses that your brain doesn’t govern? How can you learn to trust them, to let them lead when the path is shrouded in mystery?

I am truly glad you are here and if inclined and the stars align feel free to send a tip. Salud!